Daughters of Penelope Ottawa

The Ottawa Chapter of the Daughters of Penelope was born in 1957 and was named Euphrosvne (one of the three Graces) Chapter 292. Christine Alexiade was the first President.
From 1957, and for the next three decades the Chapter had periods of inactivity, but was reactivated on April 17, 1985.
The Ottawa Chapter has delivered tremendous work in the community through fundraising initiatives and events.
These accomplishments continue to strengthen the status of women in sociely and our community. We have raised funds for medical research, supported educational initiatives for our youth, promoted women in our communities and provided a helping hand to those in need.
The objectives of the Daughters of Penelope are:
- promote the social, ethical and intellectual interest of the members;
- cultivate citizenship and philanthropy;
- encourage an active participation in social and civic events;
- promote the ideals, customs and heritage of Hellenism in our society;
- foster education and assist financially in medical research; and
- support the Church and the Hellenic Community’s needs through fundraising.
Over the past decade, the Ottawa Chapter of the Daughters of Penelope have made a difference in our community through numerous fundraising initiatives with donations exceeding $100,000.
- Hellenic Community of Ottawa
- Hellenic Community Greek School
- The Ottawa Hospital – Honouring Andreas Andreadis
- The Ottawa Heart Institute
- The Ottawa Food Bank
- The Ottawa Mission
- The Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa
- Cornerstone Shelter for Women
- Huntington Society of Canada
- Elizabeth Bruvère Foundation
- The Shoebox Project
- Cancer Societv of Canada
- Diabetes Canada
In keeping with the ideals of the DOP, they have awarded over $40.000 in scholarships and have continued to educate members through information sessions.
And of course, they host many social events to keep us connected!
Θυγατέρες της Πηνελόπης
Το γυναικείο τμήμα της Α.Χ.Ε.Π.Α. Οττάβας «Θυγατέρες της Πηνελόπης» ιδρύθηκε στις 6 Οκτωβρίου 1957 με το όνομα «Ευφροσύνη #292» και πρώτη Πρόεδρο την Χριστίνα Αλεξιάδη.
Οι στόχοι της Αδελφότητας των Θυγατέρων της Πηνελόπης είναι:
- να προάγει τα κοινωνικά, ηθικά και μορφωτικά ενδιαφέροντα των μελών του,
- να καλλιεργεί την έννοια της ιδιότητας του πολίτη και τη φιλανθρωπία,
- να ενθαρρύνει την ενεργό συμμετοχή σε κοινωνικές εκδηλώσεις,
- να προωθεί τα ιδανικά και την Ελληνική κληρονομιά στην κοινωνία όπου διαβιεί,
- να προωθεί την εκπαίδευση και να στηρίζει την ιατρική έρευνα και
- να στηρίζει τα προγράμματα του Ιερού Ναού και της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας.
For more information, visit the Daughters of Penelope Ottawa Facebook and Instagram pages: